9 Everyday Items You Can Use for Effective Cleaning


9 Everyday Items You Can Use for Effective Cleaning

By : Kate Windle
Are you one of those who spend dollars to buy fancy cleaning products and gadgets? Now, you can save hard-earned money without compromising on housekeeping sessions. You can also go sustainable by using everyday items to eliminate dust, dirt, carpet stains, oil splatters, germs and bad odours from your house. You will explore some great everyday products, and tools, ranging from brushes to stain removals and natural deodorisers. These will save you money while helping you maintain a clean house. However, it is always good to hire end of lease cleaning Sydney experts for a rental property because this requires specialised skills and attention-to-detail sprucing. They are strictly adhering to a pre-approved checklist to transform the entire property into a sparkling glory, and help you get full bond back without any hassle. But for regular housekeeping chores, consider these 9 everyday items and achieve a shiny and sparkling home:

1. White Vinegar: A Natural All-Purpose Cleaner

This is a staple ingredient in household kitchens. From dressing salads to preparing delicious Asian food, white vinegar is used for multiple cooking purposes. However, the acetic acid of this product makes it ideal for tackling stubborn stains, grime, tea and coffee stains and much more. Make sure you dilute white vinegar in hot water and add a teaspoon of mild dishwashing liquid to clean different types of stains without releasing toxic fumes. The best part is that it doesn’t contain any colouring agent, and thus it won’t leave stains and residues behind, However, staining or damage can happen if you use it on natural stone surfaces, like marble, limestone, etc. So, be careful and test the product on a specific surface before applying vinegar solution. If you want to consider this eco-friendly tip for a cleaner home, prepare a DIY solution by mixing vinegar and warm water to clean:
  • Windows and screens
  • Cabinets and cupboards
  • Carpets and rugs
  • Kitchen Appliances
  • Bathroom surfaces
  • Floors, etc

  • From grease to gunk, it can remove everything in a few minutes.

    2. Lemons: An Eco-friendly Disinfectant

    When life gives you lemons, prepare a natural disinfectant and grease remover. The higher level of citric acid in lemons allows you to clean and disinfect almost all surfaces perfectly. To increase the effectiveness, you can either mix lemon juice in a white vinegar solution or prepare a paste with baking soda and kill lethal germs, such as Escherichia Coli that can cause foodborne illnesses and other diseases. You can scrub and clean surfaces like cutting boards, wood surfaces, windows, countertops, etc using this magical product. Tip: Wipe the surface with a clean cloth to avoid white patches.

    3. Used Toothbrushes: A Budget-Friendly Scrubbing Tool

    You can use an old toothbrush to scrub the stains and grime from surfaces gently. It is a non-abrasive bristled brush that can get into nooks and crannies, such as door tracks, window sills, cabinet edges, etc. Professionally-trained experts also use toothbrushes and other non-abrasive tools during a detailed end of lease cleaning Sydney to fetch dirt and grime from crevices. Before you scrub surfaces with an old toothbrush, make sure you clean it thoroughly. You can apply white vinegar or baking soda solution on the affected area and gently scrub the surfaces with this toothbrush. The best part is that help you remove tarnish from silverware, gunk from kitchen appliances, mould from tile grouts, etc without leaving scratches behind.

    4. White Toothpaste: A Whitening Cleaning Agent

    You may wonder about the cleaning uses of white toothpaste. It can be used to brighten up your silverware, kitchen sinks, chrome fixtures, etc. If you have whitening toothpaste, you can also tackle mild stains from various surfaces because it has 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide, which is also a great natural cleaning product. So, you can maintain a clean home on a budget using everyday items like toothpaste or used brushes.

    5. Baking Soda: A Versatile Cleaning Product

    Are you seeking a versatile product that can clean, disinfect and deodorise your home? Look no further than baking soda. It is one of those everyday items that can help remove grease stains from hard surfaces and freshen up your carpets and rugs. Remove pet stains, kill household germs and banish bad odours. It can also be used to unclog drains when mixed with vinegar. So, what are you waiting for? Sprinkle this white-coloured powder and see the magic yourself.

    6. Olive Oil: A Natural Wood Polish

    Olive oil is beyond preparing delicious meals and dressing salads. You can use it to prepare a DIY furniture polish. The excessive lubrication allows you to remove grime without leaving scratches behind. This non-toxic cleaning secret item is ideal for stainless steel appliances, wooden floors and surfaces.

    7. Microfiber Cloths: Super-absorbent Cleaning Tool

    These are the most affordable and super-absorbent cleaning tools for homes. You can use a microfiber cloth to remove accumulated dust, dirt, pollen, grime and other loose dust from hard surfaces. It can fetch tiny particles in a stroke. You can even soap up excess water, carpet spills and splatters from hard surfaces, blot carpets, upholstery and rugs without causing any damage to the surface. Believe it or not! Microfiber cloths are most versatile tools that can be used on almost all surfaces for dusting, absorbing spills, splatters and wiping down surfaces at the most reasonable price. Wash it after every use and reduce the landfill waste.

    8. Salt: An abrasive Scrubbing Agent

    Believe it or not! The salt is a natural disinfectant and stain remover product. It is mildly abrasive and can help you scrub off stains and grime with ease. Mix it with baking soda, vinegar or lemon to create a powerful DIY cleaning solution at home. You can use it to clean surfaces like porcelain and stainless steel surfaces.

    9. Coffee Grounds: Organic Deodoriser

    Instead of using expensive room fresheners, you can use coffee grounds to neutralise bad odours, especially from refrigerator, oven, microwave, etc. You can fill a small bowl with coffee grounds and put it in your fridge or room to absorb bad smells and freshen up the indoor air. However, if you are running at the end of your tenancy, book a reliable company for a budget end of lease cleaning Sydney. Make sure they follow a proper checklist to help remove stains, grime, grease, bad odours, etc, using tried and tested cleaning agents. A clean and well-maintained property can help you get the full bond back after the rental inspection.

    Wrapping up

    These are some of the best everyday items used to clean, disinfect, and deodorise your home effectively. The best part is that all these 9 items are eco-friendly and provide the utmost efficacy in housekeeping chores.