How To Clean The Kitchen’s Toughest Spots?
Maintaining a clean and hygienic kitchen is the most laborious task. From tackling oil splatters to gunk-laden appliances, you have to spruce up every nook and cranny to keep germs, bacteria and other allergens at bay.
The process becomes even more challenging when cleaning the toughest spots of the kitchen. This includes your range hood, filters, cabinet tops, refrigerator coils, oven interiors, sink, etc. Leaving these areas untouched can harbour foodborne illness pathogens, posing serious health threats.
Luckily, we’ve got some exceptional ways to clean the toughest spots of a kitchen. This guide will help you achieve a sparkling cooking station without using expensive or harsh products.
Let’s Get Started!
Range Hood and Filters
The range hood is often laden with grease, grime, oil and food splatters. Overlooking this area may cause unpleasant odours and discolouration.
So, start the process by turning it off and wiping down the surface with a damp cloth. Use a mild dishwashing solution or a mix of baking soda and water to scrub off built-up grease and stains. Gently scrub the area with a soft-bristled brush.
For filters, remove and soak them in hot, soapy water for half an hour. Drain and sprinkle baking soda and scrub with the same brush. Rinse, wipe and dry the filters before returning them to the range hood.
Tip: Clean your stove hood and filters once or twice a month for better outcomes.
Top and Behind of Cabinets
This may seem easy, but cleaning the top and behind kitchen cabinets is quite tricky. However, removing accumulated dust, cobwebts and grime is important using the right hack.
You can use a step stool or ladder to reach the area. After that, wipe down the stains using a microfiber cloth. Take a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to clean behind the cabinets.
If you have mobility issues, take a microfiber duster with an extendable handle to clean the top of your cabinets. You can also hire professionals for cheap end of lease cleaning Sydney and get your bond back without a hint of stress.
Tip: Use the same technique or tool to clean the top of your shelves, fridge and other high surfaces.
Refrigerator Coils and Fans
Believe it or not! The coils and fans of your refrigerator are one of the most difficult things to clean. Start the process by unplugging your appliance and moving it away from the wall to reach the coil and fans.
It tends to accumulate dust, debris and hair that can affect the cooling efficiency of your refrigerator. Use a coil brush to remove dust and debris. Never use any liquid cleaner.
In the next step, take a damp cloth and wipe down the fan blades. Do not forget to dry each blade with a clean cloth.
Fridge and Dishwasher Gaskets
These are also considered as one of the toughest spots to clean. However, the hack is simple and effective. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and hot water for effective cleaning. Dampen a cloth or a natural sponge and scrub in and around your fridge and dishwasher gaskets. This will keep the plastic and rubber intact and flexible.
Backsplash behind sink and stove
The backsplash behind the stove and sink accumulates a lot of gunk, grease and food spills that can harbour harmful germs and bacteria. Make sure you remove loose dirt using a damp cloth.
For tough stains, prepare a baking soda and water paste and scrub the area with a soft brush. Make sure you rinse and dry the area.
It is good to clean the backsplash behind the sink after cooking to remove spills easily.
Tip: It is good to keep Do’s and Don’ts in mind when cleaning your kitchen to avoid damage.
Oven Interiors
An oven is one of the much-loved appliances in Sydney homes. However, it takes a lot of gunk, grease, spills and burnt particles over time. This can harbour mould and other germs and lead to various health hazards.
- To clean inside your oven, remove the loose dirt and food crumbs using a brush or dry cloth.
- Remove the grills and baking tray. Soak them in hot, soapy water for half an hour.
- Apply a paste of baking soda and vinegar inside the oven (except heating coils)
- Leave it for a few minutes.
- Take a damp sponge or cloth and scrub the stains.
- Wipe down the interiors using a damp cloth and dry the surface
- Meanwhile, scrub your grills and try before returning them to the appliance.
You can also hire professionals for an affordable oven & BBQ cleaning Sydney and maintain a shiny kitchen appliance.
Stovetop Grates
Remove the grates from your stove and place them in the sink. Grab a soft-bristled brush or an old toothbrush to remove grease, grime and gunk from the grates. Pay attention to nooks and crannies. You can also apply a paste of baking soda and water or hydrogen peroxide for effective results.
Tip: Scrub using lemon and baking soda to descale grease and oil stains.
Sink Drain
The clogged sink drain is the prime source of unpleasant odours in your kitchen. It can also lurk harmful germs and bacteria because of stuck food particles, debris and gunk.
If you want to clean the sink drain like a pro, pour a mixture of hot water and baking soda down the drain. After that, pour white vinegar. This will create a frizz and break down the clogged debris. Leave it for 10 minutes and pour hot water again.
You can also hire professionals for an affordable end of lease cleaning Sydney. They spruce up your rental property in NSW using the pre-approved cleaning checklist and cover all nooks and crannies to help secure full bond money without a rental dispute.
Exceptional ways to clean the toughest spots of a kitchen:
Wrapping Up
Cleaning every nook and cranny of your kitchen is important to avoid germs infestation. These tips will help you clean hard-to-reach areas in your kitchen using available cleaning tools and natural cleaners.