Prepare Homemade Cleaner for Carpet Cleaning

cropped image of woman vacuuming the carpet

Prepare Homemade Cleaner for Carpet Cleaning

By : Kate Windle
Removing the stains and grime from the carpet can be a real challenge, especially if you have pets and toddlers. To maintain the cleanliness of carpets, most of the people use chemical based cleaners.But instead of cleaning the spots it spreads the stain and also damages its fabric. It not only shortens the life of a carpet but also increases the chances of dreadful diseases and skin allergies.

To get rid of it, you can prepare some budget-friendly carpet cleaner at home. These solution works amazing when it comes to eliminating stubborn stains and spots. Apart from this, you can hire a reliable cleaning company that can offer you thorough carpet cleaning services once in a year.

If you are also facing the same issue, then create a homemade cleaning solution using the following ingredients:

  • Paper Towel
  • White Vinegar
  •   Bicarb soda
  •  Water, and
  • An empty spray bottle.

Tip: Create a solution of these ingredients. Make sure the quantity of white vinegar is more than Bicarb soda. You can add 8-10 big spoons of vinegar in a warm water and ½ teaspoon of bicarb soda. Mix them well and apply it on your dirty carpets.

How to clean a carpet?

Gather all loose dirt

This step is simple. All you need to do is to pick all the loose dirt and other visible containment using towel paper. Once you are done with it, vacuum the entire carpet to suck all the hidden dust, hair and pet dangles and mud inside the fabric.

Make sure you use the right attachment because it can help you gather all the dirt particles stuck between the carpet piles.

Apply the homemade cleaner

Once you are done with the dry dust, you can apply the homemade cleaning solution (white vinegar + bicarb soda) on the affected areas. The solution is best when your carpet has tough stains. You sprinkle over it and let it aside for an hour

Since the vinegar has an acidic element, it helps you remove the stains stuck between the fibres of a carpet. The cleaner is safe for both the carpets and little kids –because they are not harmful to skin or any other body organ.

Vacuum up the solution

In this step, you will need to rub the powdered solution from the carpet. Use a towel paper to dust the dry solution. If you still see a mark of stain, spray the vinegar and water solution again and dab a paper towel over it to let the carpet absorb the vinegar properly. Repeat this process until the stain has removed.

Hire a reliable carpet cleaner once in a year

It is always good to avail professional carpet cleaning services from a trusted cleaning company once in a year.  Bond Cleaning Sydney is one such company who offer excellent carpet cleaning services.

They have a team of experts who will take care of all your cleaning and sanitation needs. Whether you are shifting to a new house or leaving your rented property, you can hire their services because cleanliness is the essence of a healthy life.