12 Things You Can Clean with Hydrogen Peroxide


12 Things You Can Clean with Hydrogen Peroxide

By : Kate Windle

Eco-conscious cleaning has gained significant traction in the past few years. Homeowners in NSW have been preparing and using non-caustic and gentle products to tackle dirt and grime from different surfaces. The best part is that you can easily find these products in your kitchen pantry. These include white vinegar, lemon, salt, essential oils, etc., promoting a clean, hygienic, and healthy indoor environment.

Another amazing environmentally-friendly household cleaning product on the list is Hydrogen peroxide. Initially used to disinfect scrapes and wounds, hydrogen peroxide has multiple other cleaning benefits around the home. The brown bottle of this powerful cleaning agent can do wonders in tackling stubborn stains and grime.

Here is a comprehensive list of 12 things you can clean and disinfect with hydrogen peroxide. To achieve optimal results, make sure you do a patch test on different surfaces.

Let’s Get Started!

1. Safety Tips When Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Professionals cautiously use 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide when performing a cheap end of lease cleaning Sydney.

Wear gloves and goggles when using the product, and always keep the space properly ventilated to avoid strong fumes. Lastly, never mix hydrogen peroxide with vinegar, ammonia, or rubbing alcohol. These combinations can produce toxic gas and even lead to a fire hazard.

2. Clean Kitchen Countertops and Cooktops

Prepare a DIY kitchen cleaner by mixing hydrogen peroxide with baking soda. The duo will help you remove stains, oil splatters, and grime quickly. Apply the paste to the surface and leave it for 15 minutes. Next, wipe down the surface using a soft sponge and rinse away to remove the paste residue.

Hydrogen peroxide is antiseptic and can disinfect kitchen surfaces, while baking soda effectively dislodges grease and grime stains from marble countertops and delicate cooktops.

3. Sparkle Cookware & Dishes

The powerful duo of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can help you dislodge baked-on food residue and gunk from pots, pans, and baking trays. Adding a few drops of mild dishwashing soap can help you scrub stains and grease with ease. You can also use this concoction on the detachable grill grates of your BBQ and oven to bring back the lost shine.

4. Clean and Disinfect Kitchen Sponges

Dirty kitchen sponges can contain lethal germs and bacteria that can lead to cross-contamination if you keep using them on different surfaces. So, make sure you clean and disinfect it after every use. Add 3 % hydrogen peroxide and warm water in a bowl. Soak your sponge for half an hour and rinse it in plain water. Make sure you air dry before using it again for cleaning.

5. Sanitise Your Refrigerator

There is no denying that white vinegar is a versatile product that can help you tackle stains and grime effectively. It can easily remove stains from your refrigerator and other appliances. Unfortunately, it won’t sanitise the surface. For that, you can apply hydrogen peroxide to a cloth or sponge and wipe down the inside of your fridge.

End of lease cleaning Sydney professionals recommend disinfecting the shelves, side walls, drawers, door handles, door seal and gaskets for effective results.

6. Achieve Streak-Free Windows and Mirrors

A lady is cleaning window holding a white bottle in her hand.

Are you looking for an affordable and eco-friendly way to remove smudges and stains from glass surfaces? Spray 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide onto your window glass or mirrors and wipe down with a lint-free cloth.

Run a rubber squeegee to remove solution residue and remaining gunk from the surface for streak-free results.

7. Whiten Grout Lines

Revive the shine and brightness of the grout lines of your bathroom and kitchen tiles using hydrogen peroxide. Dip a soft-bristled toothbrush in the solution and scrub the lines to remove dirt, stains, soap scum and mould effectively. Make sure you rinse and wipe tiles to prevent further mould growth.

8. Deep Clean Your Carpets and Upholstery Furniture

Believe it or not! This powerful cleaning agent can easily remove stubborn stains from fabric or delicate coverings. Ensure you test the product in an inconspicuous area on your plush carpet or couch.

After that, spray the solution on the affected area and blot it with a cloth. For an added boost, mix peroxide with steam and dish soap.

9. Remove Mould and Mildew From Ceiling Walls

Removing mould from ceilings of your bathroom, kitchen and basement becomes easy and effective.  If you encounter black, grey, or greenish mould stains on walls, apply a hydrogen peroxide and water solution.

Spray and leave it for a few minutes to dislodge the stains. The antiseptic solution kills the fungi and leaves your walls sparkling clean. Ensure you do this before the final inspection of your rental property in Sydney. Restoring your walls can help you claim full bond money.

10. Dislodge Brown Stains From Your Toilet

Commercial toilet cleaners contain harmful chemicals that can leave toxic fumes behind, causing respiratory issues and eye irritation. Instead, use hydrogen peroxide that works effectively on calcium deposits and lingering germs. All you need to do is to:

  • Pour half a cup of peroxide into the bowl
  • Let it sit for half an hour.
  • Scrub the bowl, including nooks and crannies, using a toilet brush
  • Flush it to see sparkling shine.
  • Soak your dirty toilet brush in the hydrogen peroxide solution for cleaning and disinfection.

11. Eliminate Dust Mites From Bedding

This magical ingredient can kill dust mites and germs from your bed sheets and mattress. Mix equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and spritz your mattress and bedding to kill pesky bacteria and enjoy good sleep at night.

12. Maintain Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers

Are you using both devices regularly to control the moisture in your home? If yes, then improve indoor air quality using this effective hack monthly:

Mix equal parts of peroxide and water and run it through humidifiers and dehumidifiers to remove dirt, grime, mould and mildew. If you want to spruce up the entire property, hire professionals for a quality end of lease cleaning Sydney and easily get your full bond back.

Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaning: 12 Effective Uses in Home

Info onThings You Can Clean with Hydrogen Peroxide

Wrapping up

Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide promotes a healthy, environmentally friendly, and sparkling living space. It is an effective and natural stain remover, disinfectant, and carpet cleaner that makes cleaning super easy for homeowners.