How To Clean Grease Stains On Leather?
Whether you own a leather jacket, shoes or furniture, it is always a prized possession. The regal look and elegance radiated by leather is hard to miss. Naturally, it is expensive and needs a lot of after-care. For most people, cleaning leather is a daunting task, particularly when there is a grease stain on it.
Often people use strong commercial cleaners in such cases which damages the texture of leather. Instead, use only natural ingredients for this purpose like baking soda, talcum powder, liquid soap, etc. In fact seasoned end of lease cleaning Sydney professionals follow an eco-friendly approach before getting their hands on delicate surfaces like a leather couch. Or a reclining chair.
If you want to remove stubborn grease and grime from leather surface, have a look at the following guide and clean like a pro. The best part is that all methods mentioned below in the article are inexpensive, effective and easy to follow. Let’s have a look.
]1. Quickly Act on Grease Stains
The best way to get rid of grease stains is to deal with it immediately. This way, you can prevent the grease from settling down on the leather surface. Always remember that the more time you will take to clean it, the more difficult it becomes to remove.
Collect Your Ingredients:
If you have accidentally spilled bacon grease on your leather couch or butter on your leather jacket, clean it right away. Grab a piece of microfiber cloth, and talcum powder as these two things can clean such stains perfectly.
Dab the Affected Area with the Cloth:
Use your microfiber cloth to dab the stain gently so that it can absorb the grease as much as possible. The problem with the leather is that it can quickly absorb the liquid, particularly grease.
So, it becomes a little challenging to clean it. But if you dab the area with a microfiber cloth, things will get a bit easy for you. Do not try to scrub the area because it can damage the surface of the leather.
Understand the Direction of the Texture:
Whether it is a couch, coat or shoes, leather has a direction of the texture, just like wood. If you can identify that and apply a cleaner along with it, you are more likely to get success. If you find it challenging to determine the direction of the texture, clean from the outside of the stain towards its centre.
This way, you can at least shrink the area of the stain. If you opt for end of lease cleaning in Sydney, you will find that the professionals also follow this technique.
2. Use Talcum Powder to Soak Up the Grease
To soak up the grease in a more effective manner, you can use your regular household baby powder. Sprinkle sufficient amount of power on the affected area. It works brilliantly in removing the grease stains from the leather surface because talcum powder is a better absorbent than leather.
Leave it overnight or at least a couple of hours so that the powder can settle down and absorb the grease from the roots of the leather surface. After that, use a piece of soft cloth, to gently remove the talcum powder from the affected area. While removing the stain, be careful not to rub the surface inappropriately. This will leave the residue behind. So, be gentle on grease stains. You can also use an eco-friendly solution for better results and leave your leather sparkling clean.
3. Clean Grease Stains on Leather Using Liquid Detergent
If you haven’t cleaned the grease stains on leather for a long time, it will be difficult to clean it with powder. Instead, you need to use a liquid detergent. However, it is good to read the care label before treating stains from your leather furniture. Here is a step by step guide to using liquid detergent for intensive cleaning:
- Prep the Solution: The idea is to create lather and remove the grease mark. So, first collect the cleaning supplies – liquid soap, water and a couple of microfiber cloth. Also, get a spray bottle to make the task easier.
- Apply the Detergent: Take a piece of cloth and pour a few drops of the liquid detergent on it and dab it on the stained area evenly. But before that, make sure that the detergent is suitable for the surface.
- Create Lather: Once you have applied the liquid soap, spray some water on the surface. Then use your figure to rub the patch slowly until the lather is formed.
- Use a Dry Cloth: After that, wipe off the surface using a dry cloth. This will not only remove the residue of grease but also the soapy solution.
4. Baking Soda and Sea Salt Can Do Wonders
If you opt for end of lease cleaning in Sydney, you will find that many professionals prefer using a homemade solution. There is no denying that baking soda is quite effective on grease stains. It removes the grease from the leather surface without causing any damage.
- Create a DIY Solution: To prepare the solution, first, you need to collect all the ingredients in appropriate amount. Take a container and add distilled water (3/8 cup), sea salt (1/8 cup), and baking soda (1 tablespoon). Mix the ingredients properly.
- Do a Patch Test: Before applying the paste on the affected area, make sure that it is suitable for the surface. So, find a hidden area and apply a small amount of the paste and see if you notice any problem. If you see any issue, contact a company offering end of tenancy cleaningservices because they create a pre-approved checklist to cover all nooks and cranny. But if it is fine, go ahead and apply the paste on the affected area.
- Apply the Paste on the Grease Stain: Once you are sure that is will not cause any damage to the leather surface, dab a piece of cloth in the paste and then apply it on the stained area gently. And wait for some time.
- Wipe Off the Surface with a Dry Cloth: After that, use a dry cloth and wipe off the surface properly to remove the grease stain as well as any residue of the homemade solution.
5. Condition the Leather To Restore Its Original Shine
After removing stubborn grease stains, conditioning your leather couch or chair can help revamp its natural moisture and shine. It also prevents the texture from drying out. It is good to use a high-quality leather conditioner designed specifically for your leather type.
Professionals recommend a small amount of it with the help of a lint-free cloth. After that, gently massage it into the leather. Make sure you move your hands in circular motion. Let the product penetrate deeply or until you buff dry with a clean cloth. It will leave your leather shiny and polished. Make sure you do this on regular intervals, especially before the final rental inspection when moving out of your rental property. This will leave a great impression on your landlord and help you get full bond back.
Tips to Clean Grease Stains On Leather Like a Pro
The Bottom Line
Removing the grease stain on leather is not as difficult as it seems. All you need is the right cleaning supplies and knowledge of how to clean the leather surface. The ways mentioned here will help you to clean grease stains without any hassles. If you don’t want to take any chances with your expensive leather belongings, go for end of lease cleaning in Sydney. They have experienced professionals who can tackle even the worst stains.