5 Tips For Using Baking Soda As a Green Cleaner

baking soda and vinegar in glass jar with lemon and lime

5 Tips For Using Baking Soda As a Green Cleaner

By : Kate Windle
Have you ever used any green cleaner to remove dust and grime? The idea of using eco-friendly cleaning products is pretty new. People in Sydney are still using conventional products because they tend to offer quick and effective results.

Whether it’s about breaking down mould and mildew or removing regular stains, traditional cleaning products are always the first choice of the reputed and experienced Bond cleaners in Sydney. Despite of their harmful effects, we keep on buying the ‘warning’ labelled products to simplify our cleaning chores.

However, the new generation is getting more conscious about their health and the environment, but they find difficulties in finding the trusted green cleaning products on the market. This is one of the main reasons why chemical loaded cleaners are frequently used in household cleaning chores.

Well, you don’t have to worry now. There is one magical ingredient that works great as a green cleaner. Yes, it is baking soda, which is also known as sodium bicarbonate. This ingredient is commonly used in baking and cooking.

Aside from this, baking soda has a ton of exceptional household usages. The best part is that it is environmentally-friendly and 100 % safe for the toddlers, pets and the environment as well. That’s the reason why most of the cleaning companies use baking soda as a green cleaner to remove stains and grime from the surfaces .

If you are moving out of a rental property, make sure you avail an eco-friendly bond cleaning in Sydney for the sake of your family and the environment. Here are the ultimate uses of baking soda as a green cleaner.

1.  Clean your Kitchen Sink

Baking soda is one of those products that can be used throughout the house, especially when it comes to scrubbing stainless steel sink. This green cleaner is magical because it can brighten your dirty and rusty sink in minutes.

Just sprinkle a pinch of baking soda around the sink and scrub down the surface and corners with a damp sponge. Rub stains and rust twice or thrice to get rid of them entirely and then rinse it with water. A pinch of baking soda can make your sink look new and sparkling. Isn’t it fantastic?

2.  Baking Soda as a Microwave Cleaner

Baking soda is not only used for baking delicious cake and cookies but also used as a microwave cleaner that is safe and eco-friendly. Cleaning microwave is always a difficult chore, and when it comes to cleaning dirt, grime, oil, grease and food residue, you may get overwhelmed with the amount of elbow grease required for this particular task.

Luckily, you have baking soda which can help you clean your house perfectly. You can sprinkle in on a clean damp sponge to clean the surface, walls, grills and door of the microwave without using harmful chemicals. Baking soda can help you get rid of built-up food residue and grease in seconds.

Tip: For thorough BBQ and Oven/Microwave cleaning, hire a credible cleaning company in Sydney that uses green and eco-friendly cleaning products for safe and effective outcomes.

3.  Remove stains from Stovetop

Nothing can be more stressful than getting those tough and messy stains out of the stovetop. You may have used expensive commercial cleaning products to get rid of them, but due to their dreadful effects, you can’t use them on a regular basis, especially in the kitchen.

Fret not. You can use baking soda as a green cleaner to remove food residue, built-up grease and oil spills from the stovetop. All you need to do is to sprinkle a pinch of baking soda around the top of the stove. Then spray hot water over it. Let it sit for 30 minutes and scrub the surface using a clean scrubber.

Tip: Don’t forget to Detox your home by disposing of toxic and hazardous household chemicals.

4.  Cleaning the Bathtub

Removing moulds and mildew from a bathtub can seem a challenging and even a scary chore. But it doesn’t have to be! With the simple use of baking soda paste, you can get a dirty bathtub shining again. It can solve multiple problems – be it dirty jets, rust or even a clogged drain.

You can mix the mild detergent powder in a ¼ cup of baking soda along with hot water to make it a thick paste. Apply it on a wet sponge to scrub off the dirt and mould. After that, rinse it with clean water to see better results.

Tip: The surface of a tub tends to be delicate, and it needs gentle and mild cleaners so avoid using harsh detergents on it.

5.  Naturally Clean a Clogged Drain with Baking Soda

Cleaning a clogged drain is one of the most annoying chores, especially when it comes to using harmful chemicals. If you want to unclog the backed up sinks and clean slow flowing drains without getting harsh them, then start using baking soda.

Toss ½ cup of baking soda down the drain, then toss a cup of white distilled vinegar. Let it sit for half an hour and pour 6-7 cups of hot water down the drain. This will remove the build-up rust, grease and other containments from the clogged pipe.


Baking Soda can be used all around the house for multiple purposes. It is a magical green cleaner that can make your house look clean and shining in a matter of a few minutes.

If you are moving out of a rental property, you can hire a company that can offer you eco-friendly bond cleaning in Sydney with a 100 % bond back guarantee. Well-reputed companies always focus on using environmentally-friendly cleaners that can protect both the human health as well as nature.